Like it or not – the holiday season is quickly approaching. Of course it’s time to start gift shopping for all of your friends and family on your list. But it’s also time to start thinking about sending branded holiday cards to clients, colleagues, and vendors!
Why should I mail holiday cards?
Appreciate Your Customers and Prospects: Your customers want to feel appreciated. The holidays are a great time to say ‘thank you’ for their business! This is also a great time to turn prospects into customers. Simply thank them for learning more about your business, while wishing them a happy holiday season with family and friends. It’s always nice to spread some holiday cheer!
Re-establish Business Relationships: Sometimes you lose touch with clients and customers throughout the year. Sending holiday cards allows you to create stronger relationships with your customers, even ones that may have accidentally slipped through the cracks. This relationship renewal is especially important when you reach out to past customers in the New Year, because you will have made recent contact.
Top of Mind Awareness: This is a big one! Creating top of mind awareness with your customers and prospects is an essential step in your follow up and referral strategy. If you are top of mind with your customer or prospective customers, they are more likely to mention you and your business in conversation or recommend you for a potential referral.
Did you know Konhaus Print & Marketing can design, print and mail holiday cards for you? Let us plan the PERFECT branded holiday cards for your company this year. Your staff will appreciate not having to sign their name hundreds of times, too! We’ll free up your time so you can focus on your business.
Fill out the contact us form on our website, or email hello@konhaus.com to get started!
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