There has never been a more important time to communicate and market to your customers and prospects. Take advantage of the extra time on your hands right now and focus your energy on your marketing ideas and efforts. You know all those things you have wanted to do, but you keep putting off because you don’t have the time? The ideas you wanted to research but haven’t because you had too many meetings to attend? The goals you wanted to write down, but you have never had an extra second in your day to process those thoughts to turn them into goals? Yep…that’s the stuff we’re talking about.
Regardless of how long it takes until businesses are back up and running, the show must go on and you need to have a clear marketing plan ready to execute when able to resume normal daily operations.

Here are 6 effective marketing ideas to help you feel inspired during this time:
1. Send Direct Mail
If your market is B2C this is the perfect time to be sending direct mail. People are home and looking for things to do. It’s that simple. Stay in front of your customers and market to prospects by mail!
2. Signage
If you’re a restaurant or another business trying to communicate that you are currently open, signage is critical. Directional Signage is important if you need to explain to people what door to use, where to park, etc. Vinyl Banners are great to advertise gift card sales or other promotions you’re running for cars driving by.
3. Mail Handwritten Note Cards
Take this opportunity to hand write messages with a branded note card to customers thanking them for their business. If you’re a non-profit, send a card thanking sponsors and donors for their donations and support of your events. Send words of encouragement and show your support to colleagues, customers, business owners, friends and family and let them know you thinking of them!
4. Event Planning
For Summer and Fall events that are already scheduled… if you haven’t already, send out your Save the Dates! Get them in the mail, send an email, and post the social media graphic! Open ticket sales early if you can! As events continue to be postponed, make sure your event is at the forefront of those that support you before their calendar has a chance to be filled by another event that’s going to be rescheduled.
5. Social Media
We all know social media is an important part of your business, but often gets pushed to the side. Now is a great time to make a social media plan for as far out as you can. Facebook has a publishing tool integrated into it’s platform, which makes scheduling posts easy. While most people are staying home, they will tend to get on social media more often. Stay in front of potential customers and get posting!
6. National Small Business Week
National Small Business Week is right around the corner. If you’re a small business, take this time to figure out how you’d like to celebrate National Small Business Week. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for support from your fans. Check out this blog on 5 ways someone can support your small business without buying anything at all. If you are looking for ways to educate customers on how to support you during this time, feel free to share this on your social media with your customers!
Konhaus Print & Marketing designed the Ultimate Marketing Planner for small business. It’s packed full of ideas, worksheets to complete, marketing inspiration, and helpful reminders to keep your marketing on track all year. If you have one of these great resources…use it. If you don’t, please email with your mailing address and we’ll drop it in the mail to you.
We want to do everything we can to support you and your business. If you want to discuss a marketing project, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 717-731-9456 or email us!
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