Last week Sarah and I went down to sunny Orlando for the ASI Show- the largest promo product trade show on the east coast. With over 600 vendors and thousands of products displayed, it’s safe to say we walked away with plenty of print-spiration to deliver to our current (and future) clients.

From small takeaway items to higher end client/employee gifts, we got to see it all! Going to shows like these are so helpful for us. We were able to walk around and feel the quality of the products, connect with new vendors, and find products that immediately made us think of a particular business or industry. Our motto from the trip is: We came, we saw, we promo’d!
Below are some of our favorites from the show!
One of the most popular, highly used swag items are tumblers and drink ware. These are ideal for higher-end clients, employee gifts, recruiting and prospecting. We love this one we did for our clients, and below are more ideas!

Giveaway Items
It’s important to have smaller items to give at events, to customers, or after meetings. Here are some fun ones we found at the show!

Tradeshow/Event Set Up
A great way to get people involved with your booth at trade shows and events is to have a fun game or activity for them to do. Below are awesome, branded options to step up your event game this year! We love event marketing!

High End Gifts
It is always worth it to invest in high end gifts for top clients. This is not only a way to show them your appreciation, but also an item they are going to keep for a long time. Below are a few ideas we really like!
Contact Us!
If you have specific promo product needs, or just want to learn more about how they can benefit your brand, email!
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